EverColor® – bringing all year round color
In 2014 – 2015 season we introduced our branded EverColor® collection which was the culmination of 8 years work on this range and the end of a beginning for this branded range of sedges. I am pleased to introduce during 2019 another selection of EverColor® called Everglow, especially for Autumn containers. The collection now comprises of 10 different evergreen Carex selections developed at FitzGerald Nurseries. This fantastic collection can be grown at low temperatures in well ventilated conditions through the winter making it a low energy crop. We can share our growing tips with our young plant customers. For the grower the EverColor® collection presents a fantastic, easy to grow, uniform and programmable group of plants for seasonal offer in a range of pot sizes.
EverColor® varieties can be marketed in 2L, 3L or 5L containers for use as patio plant, single planter specimens or instant landscape solutions. In 10.5cm EverColor® can be used in combination with spring, summer or autumn planters with Heuchera, Viola, Primula or other container bedding plants.For the consumer the EverColor® is a collection of easy to grow, colourful foliage plants ideal for using in containers, living walls and garden borders alone or in combination with seasonal flowering plants.